Hi, I’m Kevin Baker, and I’m passionate about helping break down the barriers between Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) operators and their data. I developed DashboardHC as the ultimate tool to accomplish this. Our mission is to elevate the way you work. We want to help your team go from preparing and running numbers to analyzing them to make better decisions.
That’s when the light bulb flipped on!
Larger operators can afford to have dedicated data teams that continually work to bring data together and help make it more useful. The majority of the SNF industry are smaller operators who can’t afford incredible tools.At the PointClickCare (PCC) conference in 2018, they had a quote, “Data is the new oil.” What this means is that managing & effectively using data will be a significant factor in having a successful SNF business going forward. But as of today, only the large operators can afford to be at the cutting edge. We want to help bring great systems & tools to operators of all sizes.